20th-Century Fashion


مد قرن بیستم: 100 سال تبلیغات
در این کتاب مصور مجموعه‌ای از 400 اثر تبلیغاتی در حوزه مد و فشن را دنبال می‌کنیم، که نه تنها سیر تحول مد در قرن بیستم را نمایش می‌دهد، بلکه چگونگی تکامل در شیوه‌های بازاریابی را نیز خواهیم دید، شیوه‌هایی که مد را از یک تجارت انحصاری در سالن‌های پاریس به ابر صنعتی امروزی تبدیل کرد.

20th-Century Fashion. 100 Years of Apparel Ads
In this illustrated fashion story, 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection trace not only the changing trends and silhouettes of the 20th century but also the evolution in their marketing, as fashion developed from an exclusive Parisian salon business into today’s global mega-industry.
The Way We Wore
The story of modern fashion from couture to mass market
The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering for the wealthy elite into a global industry employing millions, with

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    new trends whisked into stores before the last model has even left the catwalk.
    Along the way, the signature silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition. For women, House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet’s bias-cut gowns, Dior’s New Look to Quant’s Chelsea Look, Halston’s white suit to Frankie B.’s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts or skinny jeans entered the game.
    20th-Century Fashion offers a retrospective of the last hundred years of style via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. The images trace not only the changing trends but also the evolution in their marketing and audience, as fashion was adopted into popular culture and the mass market, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trendsetters, and how historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed—then and now.

مشخصات کتاب | Book Specifications

مشخصات کتاب | Book Specifications

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Taschen America Llc; Multilingual edition (June 7, 2016)

  • Language ‏ : ‎ English, French, German
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 592 pages
  • Item Weight ‏ :1.10 Kg
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.1 x 19.5 Cm
پدید آورنده | The Authors

پدید آورنده | The Authors

Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries.

The editor
Jim Heimann is the Executive Editor for TASCHEN America. A cultural anthropologist, historian, and an avid collector, he has authored numerous titles on architecture, pop culture, and the history of Los Angeles and Hollywood, including TASCHEN’s SurfingLos Angeles. Portrait of a CityCalifornia Crazy, and the All-American Ads series.

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